
aws security

What is AWS Security?

AWS Security secure, dedicated cloud computing is typically used to support newer applications and software upgrades. Business leaders can utilize the security features, software support, and other services they are familiar with by reaching out to Amazon. AWS also handles their requests for IT, a standard method of new applications...

Mozilla Firefox

How to Update Steampipe

Steampipe, from Turbot, has rapidly gained recognition as an exceptional SQL-based query tool that facilitates seamless interactions with multiple cloud providers. Its versatility and robustness make it an indispensable asset for cloud management. However, like any other software, you need to periodically update steampipe to ensure optimal performance and security....


How to Take a Snapshot in AWS: Creating an Instance Snapshot

AWS snapshots are point-in-time saves containing all the data stored in an AWS AMI (Amazon Machine Image) or EC2 instance. When you create a snapshot, AWS saves a copy of the data to Amazon S3, making it easy to restore if necessary. This includes both the data stored on your...

Terraform Q&A

Top Terraform Q&A: Questions and Answers

This Terraform Q&A was created to answer the most common questions I am asked by colleagues and clients about Hashicorps Terraform. Terraform Q&A: What is Terraform Cloud? Terraform Cloud is a platform as a service (PaaS) that allows users to manage and orchestrate infrastructure changes using a single platform. It...

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How to manage Terraform State

There are many things to think about when creating and managing Terraform state. This article will review best practices for state files. Every resource you create is saved in the state file, so make sure you use descriptive names when creating variables. Therefore the Statefile is easier to understand. What... - What is Terraform

How to Structure Your Terraform Code

Terraform represents a robust tool that automates codebase management by creating a private, version-controlled repository and configuring source control systems like Git to ensure synchronization. This article will elucidate the optimal approaches for setting up and utilizing Terraform in conjunction with Git. By adhering to these guidelines, you will establish...


Top 3 Terraform Best Practices

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as a code tool created by HashiCorp. Terraform can manage your AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud resources. In addition, terraform can create, manage, and delete infrastructure components such as instances, volumes, networks, and DNS entries. It is critical to have a standardized folder structure for...

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Change Root Password in RHEL

Changing the root password on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server is a critical task that should only be done when absolutely necessary. In this article, we will walk you through the process of changing the root password on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server. This process will also work...

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